Leadership Team

Dean:Shilong Piao

Professor at the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries. He is mainly engaged in research on the feedback relationship between terrestrial ecosystems and climate change. He has made systematic innovative achievements in carbon sequestration function of terrestrial ecosystems in China, as well as their response to and feedback on climate change. His achievements were selected as one of "China's Top 10 Basic Research News" in 2009 and "Top 10 Scientific Advances in Chinese Higher Education" in 2013; he also won the " World Academy of Sciences Award in Earth Science " ; he was selected as a "Highly Cited Scientist" (in the field of Earth Science) by Clarivate Analytics from 2017-2021. He served as a lead author of the first Working Group for both IPCC 5th Assessment Report and 6th Assessment Report, and is a member of Global Carbon Project Scientific Steering Committee.

Vice Dean:Haibing Zhang

Vice Dean of the School of International Studies at Peking University, professor, doctoral supervisor, and member of the 4th National Climate Change Expert Committee (2021-2025). He is mainly engaged in research on global environmental and climate governance, China's environmental and climate diplomacy, international organizations and global governance. He has long-term participation in environmental negotiations and climate conferences of United Nations. He has published 10 books in Chinese and English, more than 100 papers in Chinese and English journals. He received 4 provincial-level awards including the first prize in Beijing Municipal Award for Outstanding Achievements in Philosophy and Social Sciences. He has hosted over 50 national-level scientific research projects as well as provincial-level projects. He concurrently holds nearly 20 academic positions both domestically and internationally.

Vice Dean:Xin Li

Associate professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Peking University. He is mainly engaged in research on quantitative characterization and source mechanisms of atmospheric oxidation, promoting breakthroughs in atmospheric chemistry theory through innovative development and application of high-precision measurement techniques for atmospheric oxidation. He has long-term participation in the "one city, one policy" work for key regions' air pollution prevention and control in China, with a focus on regulating atmospheric oxidation to carry out pollution reduction and carbon reduction. He is selected as a young talent by the National High-level Personnel Introduction Program (Youth Project) and the National Ecological Environment Protection Professional Technical Youth Elite Program. He has published more than 90 papers in SCI journals such as Science, Nature GeoScience, Environ. Sci. Technol., Atmos. Chem. Phys.

Vice Dean:Lei Yang

Vice Dean and professor of the Energy Research Institute at Peking University, member of the Academic Committee for Energy Transition and Social Development Research Center at Tsinghua University, chairman of the coordinating committee for International Gas Union (IGU), deputy director of editorial board for International Petroleum Economics and vice chairman of editorial board for Oil & Gas and New Energy. He previously served as senior advisor to the executive director of the International Energy Agency, director-general and deputy division chief at National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and National Energy Administration (NEA). He is committed to promoting energy transition, energy reform and global energy governance. He involved in research on multiple energy policies formulation, and he is enthusiastic about public education and outreach on energy. He has published "The Future of Energy" among other related works on energy research along with numerous academic papers.